Thursday, March 12, 2009


Unfortunately, in California, I have learned to listen to radio talk-shows, I don't have much of a choice seeing that my entire shop is addicted to "The Mikey Show". It's on our local rock station, but if you know anything about me, I like country, so naturally I have the main station of San Diego as what I usually listen to in my car.
This morning, after my brutal 5 mile run with hills, my roommate and I were listening and they started talking about if you had 3 movies, and you were stuck on a deserted island, which would you bring. Now again, if you know anything about know how much I love my movies. It's not necessarily my movies, but it's all movies. Anyways, I immediately knew two of three, one being the Great Escape. I recently let my roommate borrow this movie, and I started watching it about 8yrs ago, and I can't even count how many times I've watched it since. We started a discussion about this movie just now and it inspired me to write a quick blog entry I may touch on later.
The other of the two would be Shawshank Redemption. This is a common movie everyone knows, at least I think just because people watch it all the time on TNT because it comes on all the time. So during the boring summers I would go to my best friend Sarahs' house and we'd generally pick this movie to watch together, it soon became one of our favorites..

I quickly recognized I am all about hope. Think about the basis of these two movies, they're about escaping to what they felt like they were put away for no reason.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." - Andy Dufrane

post script:
I used to write on zanga a lot and got used to putting the song I was listening to during the post or just a song that I like at the bottom of the post, so I think I may start that again...

Joshua Radin - Closer

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