Thursday, March 12, 2009


Unfortunately, in California, I have learned to listen to radio talk-shows, I don't have much of a choice seeing that my entire shop is addicted to "The Mikey Show". It's on our local rock station, but if you know anything about me, I like country, so naturally I have the main station of San Diego as what I usually listen to in my car.
This morning, after my brutal 5 mile run with hills, my roommate and I were listening and they started talking about if you had 3 movies, and you were stuck on a deserted island, which would you bring. Now again, if you know anything about know how much I love my movies. It's not necessarily my movies, but it's all movies. Anyways, I immediately knew two of three, one being the Great Escape. I recently let my roommate borrow this movie, and I started watching it about 8yrs ago, and I can't even count how many times I've watched it since. We started a discussion about this movie just now and it inspired me to write a quick blog entry I may touch on later.
The other of the two would be Shawshank Redemption. This is a common movie everyone knows, at least I think just because people watch it all the time on TNT because it comes on all the time. So during the boring summers I would go to my best friend Sarahs' house and we'd generally pick this movie to watch together, it soon became one of our favorites..

I quickly recognized I am all about hope. Think about the basis of these two movies, they're about escaping to what they felt like they were put away for no reason.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." - Andy Dufrane

post script:
I used to write on zanga a lot and got used to putting the song I was listening to during the post or just a song that I like at the bottom of the post, so I think I may start that again...

Joshua Radin - Closer

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Stoney LaRue

Last night my roomate Ryan and I went to a little pub down in Ocean Beach called Winstons. It was a great time, hosted by Shiner Bock. I originally went to see Stoney LaRue, one of the few and by far favorite Texas Country artist favorites of mine, but another band of the three smaller bands definitely caught my eye. Their name was 27 Donkeys or Mules, something like that...I got a huge kick out of them. Imagine putting together Kid Rock and a little sped-up Irish punk music in a classic country band. Thats what they were all about. You could tell the lead artist and harmonic were serious about their music, I'm not talking about how talented they were, I'm talking about how much sweat they produced. By the end of the third song these guys shirts were just about soaking. Disgusting. Fun, but disgusting.

I have a few pictures of the great Stoney playing and I'll throw some up later of the free give-aways Shiner Beer gave out.


First off, my intentions are to keep up with my life and share my photos, memories, and other minor intricacies of my personal life with friends and whomever likes to take a gander. I hope you enjoy these posts and let me know if you have any comments or want to know more. Thanks y'all..